Lightyear is the new Disney Pixar space ranger movie, released in June 2022. It is a spin-off of the well-loved Toy Story series featuring the toy, Buzz and his friends in Andy’s toy box. This new animated movie sees Lightyear, the human, exploring his origins as a young test pilot who goes on through his adventures to becomes a space ranger. Voiced by actor Chris Evans, well known for his role as Marvel’s Captain America, Chris joins a talented cast in the action packed film from outer space – sure to be a blockbuster! Includes Digitally printed all-in-one jumpsuit with printed features on arms, chest and legs and has Velcro tabs at rear to close Jumpsuit has fibre filled chest piece plus attached foam gauntlets and foam knee pads Premium lenticular chest badge features ‘moving’ SPACE COMMANDER and wings logos Soft polyester headpiece with velcro fastens at neck Shoes not included This is an officially licensed Disney Pixar product