Classic black and white checks in impeccable quality Irish linen. The light/mid-weight is right for a shirt, light jacket, vest, dress, skirt, loungewear, kimono, caftan or soft pants. Lovely quality, a beautiful basic linen that will work lined or unlined. My favorite lining for linen is a rayon bemberg or rayon blend.
Pre treat by hand laundering or machine wash gentle and air dry. You can toss linen in the dryer if you want all over wrinkles, but always pre test a sample, some fabrics respond well, others not so well. Test Test Test. After laundering hand wash or machine launder gentle and air dry. I like to take my linens out of the laundry while still very wet, hang on a hanger and pull and smooth the seams and hems, allowing the weight of the water to do the work, then touch up with an iron or not.
100% linen