This bucket-style bag is perfect for everyday use.! I started with an authentic Louis Vuitton Damier Marais Bucket bag, added some braiding along the top, some braided handles, and voila! A beautiful and fun bag was born! his bag has got enough room for all the things, coming in at W9.0xH9.8xD6.2".
The bag's canvas is in really good shape! The inside red liner has been cleaned but there are a couple of pen marks in the bottom; there are no holes, and very little pilling. There are two zippered pockets inside. There is also a chain to hold a wallet or keys. The original leather handles will be included, however, I've replaced them with much cooler braided 6-strand brown leather straps! The straps still can be adjusted just like the originals, with the longest drop being 11". The fringe at the end of the straps can be trimmed to your liking.
A video of this bag has been added to my Instagram stores, and will be saved in the highlights called The Owl!